“Towards blended learning,
online-offline good practices”
The main objective of the project is to address the effects of the pandemic, which will have a significant impact and burden on public education (primary school age), in the most prepared and open way possible.
The InterRegio Forum Association has partnered with the Cifra Palota Association (HU) and the Áprily Lajos High School (Brasov, Romania)
The main objectives of the three partner organisations are:
- to assess the current state of online-offline education: what is the impact of moving a child from a long period of ‘home-schooling-online’ education back to offline (classroom) education;
- how the lack of adequate mastery of the curriculum can be monitored (effectiveness of home-based tests, assessments, etc.);
- The possibilities for development or talent management online from the teacher’s point of view, or for differentiated teaching in a blended approach.
During the project
- digital literacy development,
- experiential pedagogy workshop;
- 2 levels of 3-step questionnaire survey and analysis over 10 months,
- Publication of a good practices manual and
- a final conference for dissemination.
Target groups:
- direct target group: teachers,
- indirect target group: students and parents.
The purpose of monitoring and documenting the practical application of what has been learned in the digital literacy and experiential education workshops is to find practical solutions to real needs already identified or identified during the project, in cooperation with the “developing” organisations and the “users” (teachers, students). The aim is that the impact on the users will help to solve the problems and serve as a real practice-oriented solution.
Project title: Towards blended learning, online-offline good practices
Implemented under the ERASMUS+ KA210 Small Scale Partnership Programme
Duration: March 2022 – July 2023
Participating countries: Hungary, Romania
Project partners:
Leader: Cifra Palota Közhasznú Egyesület (HU), P1 Áprily Lajos Főgimnázium, Brassó (RO), P2 Interregio Fórum Egyesület (HU)
The language of the project is Hungarian.
Project No.:2021-2-HU01-KA210-SCH-000051342
Total grant: 60.000 EUR