About InterRegio Forum Association
About InterRegio Forum Association
The InterRegio Forum Association is a Budapest-based NGO, founded in 1997. Our mission is to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life for the people living in the Carpathian Region and to strengthen civil society and enforce equal opportunities by the means of human resources development. Ever since then, we have been working on the elaboration and on the spreading of ICT-based, innovative best practices in the Danube Region.
Our main focus areas
Our main focus areas
Our main focus areas are related to the efficient use of mobile devices and the social networks in education and the preservation of cultural heritage, and also the development of cultural tourism. Our working principle is to use the comparative advantages offered by the cross-border and regional cooperation and to encourage cross-border cooperation amongst non-profit organizations and educational institutions.

Számtalan érdekes dologgal foglalkozunk...

Miért az Interregió?

Sok éves tapasztalat, kiterjedt partnerség, számtalan sikeres projekt és nagyszerű rendezvény.


Sikeres év


Lezárt projekt


Nemzetközi partner


Úton a blended oktatás felé
learn then play fiú és logó

Rólunk mondták

idézetek partnereinktől

Corvin Mátyás Alapiskola Gúta

Magyar Fejlesztési Központ Nonprofit Kft.
