Examining the statistical data of the three countries participating in the project, Hungary, Slovakia, and Romania, we can rightly state that mathematics education in all three countries performs well below the average. The Smart-e Maths project aims to develop an innovative teaching methodology that contributes to more effective mathematics education through a combination of online and offline tools and personal mentoring. In the project n, we intend to create an experimental math curriculum that will help with the 5-8. developing the mathematical competencies of class students.

The lead partner of the project is the Budapest-based Interregional Forum Association. The association was founded in 1997 and aims to develop and disseminate innovative ICT-based good practices. In the course of its work, the organization has already implemented numerous cross-cutting projects. The Association for the Harghita County in Transylvania, the Corvin Mátyás Primary School in the Highlands and the New Chance Association in Hungary are participating in the project as consortium partners. A common value in all three organizations is their many years of experience in education and catching up.

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